In the past, many products were made from materials such as wood, metals, marble and other types of stone.
So natural materials that can be found in the ground. But than , due to inventions in teh previous century it was changed.
Many of these materials were found to be replaceable by something chemical, made on the basis of a non-natural chemical processes. This replacement turned out to be plastic.
A material whose main component consists of polymer. A polymer (Greek: poly is a lot and meros is part) is a molecule that consists of a sequence of teh same part or molecule.
Besides Hyatt, the Belgian Leo Baekeland a Belgian, who emigrated to the United States, who patented a method in 1908 where the phenol formaldehyde (glue type) could be technically processed, is regarded as one of the pioneers. It was only after the Second World War that the explosive growth of plastics began, averaging 15% per year in the years 1960-1985, with the exception of a decline in 1975 and a stagnation of growth in the period 1980-1982. Of all products of the Dutch and Belgian chemical industry, the plastics have become the most important in terms of turnover and export. The plastics industry distinguishes itself in a plastics-producing industry, closely linked to the petrochemical industry, and a plastics processing industry.
NOw how can plastic be shaped:
we distinguish 4 main shaping technologies:
- extrusion
- rotational molding
- vacuum or thermoforming
- injection moldinginjection molding requires an injection mold made by a chinese mold maker